WHY Sponsor the cobb county rodeo
Always Available
We accept requests and phone calls 24/7 so you could resolve any problem whenever you need.
Qualified Promoters
All our team members are high-qualified, educated and skilled promoters. All our media operators are trained according to the latest technologies.
Fair Prices
Our sponsorship prices are both fair and affordable for all companies. We offer great media coverage on any service your company provides.
Best Offers
We provide discounts to groups, individuals, and acts who provide the most popular attractions for our spectators, so you could definitely receive the best ROI on your sponsorship investment.
Thank you for taking the time to consider partnering with Cobb County Rodeo. Cobb County Rodeo strives to promote and execute rodeos in such a way, that a great time can be had by people of all ages in a family-friendly atmosphere.
This page gives you some information on our company and how we work. It is our goal to not only run a successful business but also give back to the local community.
We work with corporate sponsors, as well as local civic groups to help promote their goals and needs also.
As a corporate sponsor, your company’s name and logo will be very prominent before and during the event. Your company will be seen and heard by several thousand people. Also, your company will be helping support a local civic group raise funds for their organization.
There are several different options in sponsoring A Cobb County Rodeo event. Please take some time to review these different options.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call us at 770-866-5874. You can also email info@cobbcountyrodeo.com
Again thank you for your time and consideration.

For the past 21 years Johnny Woodward and Larry Haney have promoted and produced the most adrenaline rushing action packed Rodeo’s this side of the Mississippi. More Info

Click on Squares below for sponsorship opportunities.
Ticket Sponsorship
1 Sponsor per rodeo
Your Logo displayed on our TicketMaster Custom Tickets. The tickets can also act as a discount cards or bounce back coupons.
The ticket will also act as a discount card. You can purchase space on the front of the ticket which will have your logo along with a coupon or discount of your choice. This coupon or discount will be valid for twelve months from the date of the rodeo.
PurchaseSign Sponsorship
Medium 4x4 sign
Your Logo displayed on 4x4 Signs throughout the Rodeo Arena.
As a corporate sponsor, your company’s name and logo will be very prominent during the Rodeo Event on the Arena on 4x4 signs.
PurchaseSign Sponsorship
Large 4x8 sign
Your Logo displayed on 4x8 Signs throughout the Rodeo Arena.
As a corporate sponsor, your company’s name and logo will be very prominent during the Rodeo Event on the Arena on 4x8 signs.
10x10 Tent Spot
Come to the Rodeo and share your Company's Info.
$100 per night
As a vendor sponsor, your company will be allowed to have a 10'x10' tent space for displaying info about your company. (You must provide your own tent)
PurchaseEvent Sponsorship
6 Sponsors per rodeo
Events, for 2 nights, is named with your company’s name. EX. Bull Riding brought to you by Coca-Cola.
Bronc riding, Calf roping, Steer wrestling, Team roping, Barrel Racing, or Bull riding. The event, for 2 nights, is named with your company’s name. You get your company’s logo on 2 signs (4x4) inside the arena. Your sign will be carried around the arena by a cowgirl/cowboy before your event each night.
PurchaseBucket Shoot 4x8 sign
3 sponsors per rodeo
Your Logo displayed on 4x8 Sign located above the bucking shoot.
This level sponsorship gets your company a sign (4x8) on one of the bucking shoots. Every time the shoot is used, it will be referred to as your company’s bucking shoot. You will also get 2 other signs (4x4) inside the arena with your logo. Each side of the arena will be able to see your logo.
PurchaseFor a complete Promotional Marketing Package complete form below, email info@cobbcountyrodeo.com or call event project manager Johnathan Woodward Direct at 770-866-5874